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Purpose: The purpose of the Cross-Generational Engagement Group is to unite Inkster residents and community partners of all ages in a concerted effort to address the social, cultural, and economic factors that shape the behavior and attitudes of Inkster residents. The Cross-Generational Engagement Group supports the Inkster Task Force goals to “improve the quality of life for the community” through a mutual relationship based on awareness and community history.


The primary functions of the Cross-Generational Engagement Group are to:

  • Contribute to programming, initiatives, and events that foster social connectedness among Inkster residents.

  • Participate in cross-generational mentoring related to education, cultural competency, and health


Timing: The committee will furnish written and oral reports at regular Board of Directors meetings to include any Board action requested by the committee. Minutes of committee meetings shall be maintained and furnished to the Inkster Task Force Board of Directors on a timely basis. The committee conducts its business primarily through face-to-face meetings with occasional conference calls and electronic mailings.


Team composition: Core members include Inkster Task Force members of various cohorts. Support and advisory members include Inkster residents, community partners, and stakeholders dedicated to the purpose of the Cross-Generational Engagement Group as well as community organizations and mentors who volunteer their time and/or resources. Required resources include support from Inkster residents, the Inkster Task Force, and community organizations.


Chairperson Responsibilities: The chair of the Cross-Generational Engagement Group is responsible for calling meetings, setting the agenda, directing the activities of the committee, making assignments to the committee members, interfacing with and reporting to the Board of Directors.


Governance: Per Inkster Task Force By-laws, the Cross-Generational Engagement Group is overseen by a chair, selected by the Board membership, generally made by a consensus process, although a more formal process of voting may be employed when necessary.  Meetings are called by the Cross-Generational Engagement Group chair. Any member of the committee may bring a matter before the committee for its consideration.

Meetings & Activities:

Family Game Night is held every 4th Thursday at the Dozier Recreation Center 
2025 Middlebelt
Inkster, MI 48141

Games Roomm 4pm-6pm


To become involved or for more information contact:

Call us:


Find us: 

3419 Harrison St. Inkster, Michigan 48141

© 2019 by Reginald Woods & Jamerican Creations

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